Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What makes people lazy?????

If I can answer this question I will become a demigod.. To start off we must first define Laziness right..
M-W Dictionary defines laziness as
1 a : disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous
b : encouraging inactivity or indolence
2 : moving slowly
4 : placed on its side
5 : not rigorous or strict

Don get a clear picture do u not meant to be so..Dictionaries have been always meant to confuse people ;-)..
Anyways, basically laziness is lack of drive..Lack of drive to do what?? In fact to do anything.. Cant u remember those lazy summer holidays or those lazy Sundays when, altogether ur lids were swollen and red with long hours of sleep,u still slouched and slept for that eternal ,never changing ,"ten more minutes"..What makes we people so lazy?? How can we overcome this?? I have a few ideas(However worthless they may prove, nonetheless, I prefer calling them ideas..For the word gives some respectability).Please add any other 'ideas' u ppl have..

1.Create drive ex..Getting up just to get to office is always a pain because most people don enjoy work. See what u like and do that first thing when u wake up.(this cant help if sleeping is what u enjoy best :-))So getting up everyday has an incentive attached.. U can get to do something u love.(like gardening,cycling,even TV,Computer games,Listening songs etc etc)

2.Never start sliding into de-dieting binges(fancy term right..Coined by none other than the great me:-)) just because u feel lazy.U might think it is the best thing to do to get out of laziness.But it actually works on the converse.

3.Look at urself once in a full length mirror when u r lazy.If u r reading this blog and are my friend then, most probably u r in the software sector and u already have accumulated prosperity's physical manifestation(spelt BULGING BELLY) or are in the process.So taking a look at ur reflection at the right time can work wonders to ur activity level.But there is an inherent risk that u might enter a deep depression :-(...For others who are still slim by virtue of ur macho dieting,try climbing up once to the terrace cafeteria in ur company.If u r still conscious on reaching the top, ur laziness would have melted (as well as ur will to maintain ur diet schedule :-))

4.Make a list of all thing u need to do and keep it in a place where its always visible.Beware never make a e-list on ur cell or on ur PDA or on ur excel sheet in ur Comps.Its next to useless.U ll never see it again.

I can think up a lot more ideas but what the big fun if I always have to write on this blog.I want to read too.. So post ur comments generously..


Anonymous said...

crap! what is your problem if i am LAZY?

Prashanth said...

Be a sport and leave you name in comments.. Anonymous comments are an act of cowardice..:)

celticwisdom2003 said...

I have a girlfriend that I love but she is extremely lazy. I completly agree that it is a lack of drive and/or motivation but even so there is still a much more underlying cause that brings a person into this state of depression and can absolutely be inflated and made worse if approached and handled wrong. Assiting the depressed is a very sensitive process and there is no such thing as a professional of any sort that can treat it. Some things should be addressed only by a loved one while others are only responded to through an impartial third party.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, so funny and bang on about dieting. I have tears of laughter rolling down myface as I've just text my friend that i will deffo be two stone lighter by Christmas. Should have read your blog first i would then have put ' i will be the same weight by Christmas':-)