The so-called Ambitious Software Engineers ,who switch jobs @ a toss of a hat ,for so called better oppurtunities, are dime a dozen.How many of us are really really ambitious.If 1000 software engineers ask themsleves "Where do I see myself 20 years from now".What do u think the majority will answer??I guess the answer from most would be "I ll be working for Microsoft/Google/xxx/yyy".. Some say "I ll start my own software company"...But out of that some how many actually do it?? Very few only ..sadly.
Consider most average barbers in a barber shop.Their aspiration would be to own a saloon himself.And moist people do it.Consider average helpers in a photo studio.Ditto.. But consider a software engineer, he aspires to work for the most big/prestigious/well-paying software company in the world.Not to own the most big/prestigious/well-paying software company in the world.Why is this the scenario.Are we getting bogged down by the safety net of the monthly salary we get , the monthly EMI we pay towards our home/car/2-wheeler/washing machine/etc etc....
This is one case.. I have one more doubt.
Why do software engineers never leave software line and diversify??
See these links for some info:
These are the list of biggest public/private companies.Not one software company figures in the list.
So I feel its time we people consider shruging the security and the big bucks of our software industry and plan to be more ambitious.We can never grow bigger than our clients in this business.Way say??